Press kit

Squeaky offers an powerful, privacy-first alternative to legacy analytics tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar. You can learn more about our vision and mission on the About Us page, and if you're writing or talking about Squeaky then feel free to make use of the assets and guidelines outlined below.

Our name

Our company is called Squeaky /'skwi:ki/

We prefer to simply referred to by the single-word Squeaky, but occasionally we are referred to as Squeaky Analytics, and that's fine too.

So, why are we called Squeaky? Well, when we first decided we wanted to create a more private, and less-invasive analytics tool, we liked the idea of being 'as quiet as a mouse', having the smallest possible footprint on our customers sites, but likewise allowing users to browse websites and web apps in privacy/secrecy. But we all know mice do make a bit of noise, it's just a little squeak - hence Squeaky. We also liked that a 'mouse' is the tool you use to navigate a website, which is why our logo contains a cursor that is styled as a cheese (AKA 'The Big Cheese').

We prefer that you use our full logo, including both the typography and the logo mark, AKA 'The Big Cheese'. For instances where the Squeaky brand is being represented in a square tile e.g. a comparison website profile tile, you may use the square logo mark that is just The Big Cheese.

Squeaky dark logo

Squeaky Logo (Dark)

Logo in .svg, .png, and .jpeg format.

Squeaky light logo

Squeaky Logo (Light)

Logo in .svg, .png, and .jpeg format.

Brand colours

To distinguish Squeaky from the endless sea of blue-coloured SaaS brands, we've chosen quite an unusual colour palette - a mixture of earth tones and primary colours.

Earth tones

Grey Blue 800


Mauve 800


Peach 500


Grey Blue 700


Mauve 700


Peach 400


Primary colours

Rose 500


Yellow 500


Blue 500


Product screenshots

If you'd like device mock-ups or screenshots of the Squeaky application, you can download one of the following bundles:

Device Mockups

.jpeg format.

App Screenshots

.png and .jpeg format.

Contact details

For any press or media enquiries, please get in touch via

Want to invite Squeaky on your podcast, or interview us for your publication?

Get in touch